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Twelve Minutes is a free Android adventure game developed by Netflix Inc. The story-based game centres around a time loop you must escape. The game follows a married couple and an unknown police officer. Dark secrets tie these characters together, and it's your job to unsurfaced them. Twelve Minutes. An interactive thriller about a man trapped in a time loop. Featuring James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley, and Willem Dafoe. Recent Reviews: Mixed (49) All Reviews: Mostly Positive (6,347) Release Date: Aug 19, 2021. Twelve Minutes is a 3D adventure game where you are trapped in a 12-minute time loop with James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley, and Willem Dafoe. You need a Netflix account to play this interactive thriller with six endings and a spectacular aerial perspective. Download Twelve Minutes 1.0.4815 for Android | DESCRIPTION. Adventure Games. Version: 1.0.4701 (4701) Languages: 76. Package: Downloads: 3,959. 831.34 MB (871,718,993 bytes) Supports installation on external storage. Min: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26) Target: Android 12 (API 31) arm64-v8a. nodpi. MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 signatures. Twelve Minutes for Android - Download the APK from Uptodown Twelve Minutes 1.0.4701 APK Download by Netflix, Inc. - APKMirror Free. QR code. Twelve Minutes - download free for Android phone or tablet. Full version of apk file. Without registering. Twelve Minutes - helps you have fun and pass the time. Twelve Minutes - Download Kamu terjebak di dalam lingkaran waktu selama 12 menit, dikutuk untuk mengalami kengerian yang sama berkali-kali. Satu-satunya cara untuk melepaskan diri? Kumpulkan petunjuk dari sekelilingmu saat itu dan gunakan apa yang kamu tahu akan terjadi selanjutnya untuk mengubah hasilnya. Download & install Twelve Minutes APK - Version: 1.0.4815 - - Netflix, Inc. - Game for Android 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1 / Android 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 / Android TV & Tablet / PC Windows. Latest Version. Version. 1.0.4815 (4815) Update. Dec 8, 2023. Developer. Netflix, Inc. Category. Adventure. Google Play ID. Installs. 500,000+. App APKs. Twelve Minutes APK. Twelve Minutes GAME. Available exclusively for Netflix members. Tap and drag to escape a time-loop nightmare. Download for Windows. Softonic review. Swati MishraUpdated a year ago. Premium interactive thriller with time loops. Twelve Minutes is a paid adventure game that makes players find ways to end a time loop that has trapped them. In this interactive thriller, you play the role of a man living blissfully with his wife in a small apartment. Twelve Minutes android iOS apk download for free-TapTap Twelve Minutes is an adventure game created by Netflix, Inc.. Since December 2022, you can download the APK. The number of installations for Twelve Minutes totals 860 thousand. During the past 30 days, the number of installs for the app is approximately 31 thousand. It's ranked in the top 500. Twelve Minutes for Android - Free App Download - AppBrain Twelve Minutes APK (Android Game) - Descarga Gratis - APKCombo 12 Minutes to CLAT Twelve Minutes is an adventure game developed by Luís António and published by Annapurna Interactive. It was originally released on August 19, 2021 for Windows, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, with versions for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 released on December 7, 2021. 12 Minutes to CLAT is an initiative to create affordable and the most useful content to aid law entrance aspirants in their preparation. While most of the law entrance aspirants do not have the financial means to afford expensive coaching centres, 12 Minutes to CLAT aims to bridge this gap between the aspirants and top law universities in the ... Twelve Minutes - Game Support | Netflix Help Center Twelve Minutes for Android - FileHippo Twelve Minutes APK. Twelve Minutes GAME. Disponible en exclusiva para los suscriptores de Netflix. Toca y arrastra para escapar de un bucle temporal. Este thriller interactivo cuenta con las voces de James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley y Willem Dafoe en su versión original. Twelve Minutes APK Download for Android Free - Malavida Twelve Minutes APK (Android Game) - Free Download - APKCombo Twelve Minutes APK untuk Unduhan Android - About Twelve Minutes. English. A night gone wrong. Available exclusively for Netflix members. Tap and drag to escape a time-loop nightmare. This interactive thriller features the voices of James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley and Willem Dafoe. Twelve Minutes v1.0.4815 MOD APK (Unlocked) Download Twelve Minutes - Apps on Google Play. Netflix, Inc. 3.0 star. 3.12K reviews. 500K+. Downloads. Mature 17+. info. play_arrow Trailer. About this game. arrow_forward. Available exclusively for... Free Download for Android. Softonic review. Escape a time loop in this cinematic game. Twelve Minutes is a free adventure game from Netflix Inc. where you will have to uncover the dark secrets that tie a married couple to an unknown policeman who comes knocking at their door. Back to Help Home. Twelve Minutes - Game Support. Tap and drag to escape a time-loop nightmare. This interactive thriller features the voices of James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley and Willem Dafoe. About the game. How to download. Troubleshooting/Issues. Not finding what you're looking for? Check our Netflix Games article. You can also always contact us. Download Twelve Minutes APKs for Android - APKMirror Escape a gripping time-loop nightmare with Twelve Minutes, an interactive thriller designed exclusively for Netflix members. Immerse yourself in a suspenseful tale where a romantic evening spirals into a chilling sequence of events. 13,904 Downloads 8,746 Followers. Adventure. Mystery. Puzzle. Story Rich. Time Travel. Top-Down. Thriller. Time Manipulation. Narrative. Violent. Available exclusively for Netflix members. Tap and drag to escape a time-loop nightmare. This interactive thriller features the voices of James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley and Willem Dafoe. Home. Games. Adventure. Twelve Minutes v1.0.4815 MOD APK (Unlocked) December 7, 2023 (5 months ago) 3.9/5 (14 votes) Download (691M) MOD INFO? The game no longer requires a paid Netflix subscription. Explore this article. Twelve Minutes is an interactive thriller that has overtaken the gaming world. Twelve Minutes Download APK for Android (Free) | Twelve Minutes - Apps on Google Play DESCRIPTION. Adventure Games. Advertisement Remove ads, dark theme, and more with Premium. Available exclusively for Netflix members. Tap and drag to escape a time-loop nightmare. This interactive thriller features the voices of James McAvoy, Daisy Ridley and Willem Dafoe. Twelve Minutes - Wikipedia
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